Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Have been working at Jurong East Swimming complex for the past 3 weeks,quite intensively.Something bad happened at work today.I was the starter,the wronged and the accused all 3 in 1.
While working today ,the assistant manager came to talk to me,I tot it was smthg tat was related to it was wasnt,instead it had smthg to do with wat I said.Guess wat I said,nt nasty,nt terribly bad,not insulting words,instead it was jus a question,a innocent and harmless question.

Everyone working at the pool are more or less recommended by someone else from the pool,hence they are related somehow.Imagine asking someone,lets name him Mr D,"whose husband is Mdm B ?" and he gives you a reply it's P.Hmm,I knew P since my poly days and it was rather strange tat he would recommend his wife to work here...Sensing something was amiss,I went to ask mdm FF,and she disputed this fact and said tat wat Mr D said wasnt true...and said tat it was she who recommended Mdm B here to work. I see,it wasnt unusual for Mr D for bluffing n teasing pple.I tot it was the end,a simple question which ended up with 1 false and 1 true answer.

A week later,which is today,the manager "F" me for spreading rumours,for asking questions tat werent to be ask,saying things tat ought to be kept mum.Was it true,I dont think so.Is asking a question tat concerned your colleague wrong,was the question indecent,explicit or intruding...NO,it wasnt 1 bit at all..and yet I was the one being blamed.The anger is raging,tat kind tat stay in your heart,words of unjustice floods your mind,no matter how hard you try you jus cant afford a smile,nt even showing your teeth.

I dont blame Mdm B as she is famous for being upright,tat kind who takes things a mere too seriously.The one whose at fault is Mdm FF,surprised I blamed her?Here's why,Mdm FF knew Mdm B longer than any of us at the pool,in fact she recommended Mdm B to the pool,knowing tat Mdm B was those serious,no jokes person,she went ahead and told her,WTF....Why?tats the big question in my mind today,this entire episode could hae ended with Mdm FF,and yet she prefered to tell Mdm B,really dont understand her
watever motive for saying.All thanks to her, nw Mr D may face being reprimanded by the mgt.Watever previous grudges bear by Mdm ff to Mr D,why must she transfer the black face to me...and I tot Mdm FF was a nice lady...ARRGH...Wat makes me more the guily was tat Mdm B came and tell me it wasnt my fault,it was Mr D who spread this thing who is responsible...wonder wats going to happen,but the next time I work,I am not gonna ask anything,I jus keep my mouth tight and hear stuffs tat spoken by others.

This post has really been boring as I am really very frustrated..being stabbed by someone,losing a fren..and all these nonsense..

Will update on the genting trip on my next post.

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